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Le Spam

Internet mail flow protection service

Our communication systems and filtering become your first line of defense for advanced verification emails and appropriate treatment before they reach your servers and users.
Protection that comes between you and the Internet and without any change in your email system or your Internet addresses.
Simplified management of outsourced quarantine that gives you an immediate saving of bandwidth, storage space and backup generating daily or weekly reports to the attention of e-mail administrators and / or direct users to offer you precise tracking emails.

At a time when emails are essential for communication between companies, so convenient media became the primary attack vector or pollution and human computer. Recent studies give us the figures between 69% and 87% of messages in transit on the Internet would be "spam" for a volume of about 12 billion messages daily.
A user who spends 30 minutes a day to clean their mailbox, with the risk of opening suspicious emails, represents a security problem and a loss for his company, more than one day a month.

To confront and defeat these threats, we have developed the service "AW Mail Pro", the fruit of many years of experience in hosting email for professional use. The use of reliable technologies and technical developments after virus attacks and spam to better counter them. Redundant systems to ensure a 24/24 service and an experienced technical team that monitors, alerts and updates the components of protection for you. With "Mail Pro" you can strengthen your protection and even do without buying expensive software to buy and maintain.

« AW Mail Pro » anti-spam, it's ten million people who are permanently involved in the collection of signatures of spam messages, an efficiency of 98.2% due solely to a selection that no machine can perform as well as human intelligence.

« AW Mail Pro » anti-virus, protection is provided by four different systems updated every hour and set to leave no doubt about the message you sent.

Infos :
Publishers Postini and FrontBridge, estimate the proportion of spam between 69% and 87% of the total volume of e-mails sent worldwide.
According to IDC, the amount of spam circulating daily in the world must grow 23 billion in 2004 to 42 billion in 2008. Messaging security is always an important part of the budget for computer security companies.

The value of « AW Mail Pro » service:

It increases the productivity of your employees through a mailbox purged of all spam, phishing and viruses.
It strengthens the security of your computer system by processing emails in front of your network and without additions of hardware and software.
A redundant mail service that keeps your messages for five days in treated cases of breakdown or failure of your Internet site.
Appropriate pricing and managed over the year to better budgeting.
A simple and efficient administration that relieves your IT staff.
Daily reports, intended for administrators, reports and volumetric evolution of messaging traffic, intended for users with a list of all their messages intercepted and quarantined, each user can only view the list of messages Quarantine and with the possibility of release in case of "false positive".
To increase the efficiency of delivery of mail, we bring your receipt or your servers under monitoring SMTP / Domino and alert you in case of no response.

IBM Lotus Domino solution:

No administration of user accounts, a secure connection is established with your Lotus Domino server and synchronize your phone book is done three times a day.

Microsoft Exchange solution or email servers with LDAP directory:
No administration of user accounts, a secure connection with your Exchange server and a process exports the AD via an LDAP query and integrate it to our directory of one to three times to once a day.

Service Level Agreement :

ActiveWeb engages 99.9% availability in SMTP reception, our infrastructure is spread across multiple hosting centers, using different line providers such as Level 3, France Telecom and Metromedia Fiber Network.


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